How To Create A WordPress Website
About Lesson

Creating menus in WordPress is an easy and straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Access the WordPress Menus page: From your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” -> “Menus”. This will take you to the Menus page.

  2. Create a new menu: To create a new menu, click on the “Create a new menu” link at the top of the page. Enter a name for your menu, and click “Create Menu”.

  3. Add menu items: To add menu items, select the pages, posts, or custom links you want to include in your menu from the left-hand column, and click the “Add to Menu” button. You can also drag-and-drop the menu items to reorder them.

  4. Configure menu settings: Once you have added your menu items, you can configure the menu settings, such as the location of the menu, whether it should be a primary or secondary menu, and whether it should be displayed on mobile devices.

  5. Save and publish your menu: Once you have configured the menu settings, click “Save Menu” to save your changes. Your new menu is now live on your website.

In summary, creating menus in WordPress involves accessing the Menus page, creating a new menu, adding menu items, configuring the menu settings, and saving and publishing the menu. Menus are an important element of a website’s navigation and can help visitors easily find the content they are looking for.