How To Reorder Pages In WordPress
Reordering pages in WordPress is a great way to keep your pages more organized. This guide will show you two simple ways to reorder your pages in the WordPress dashboard by simply dragging and dropping them and how to order them in the page editor.
Why change the order of pages?
There are a few reasons why someone would want to order their pages one being that you might want easier access to pages that are frequently changed. For example, certain landing pages, a recent post listing, or maybe a page you are running tests to see how to make it convert better. For some, it might be that they just want to keep everything more organized and for example, keep the pages alphabetically for easier access.
Reordering pages in the WordPress dashboard
To make reordering as simple as possible install the “Simple Page Ordering” -plugin. This plugin will add a new tab to your “Pages > All Pages” called “Sort by Order” which allows us to drag and drop pages in the order we wish to place them.

Another way to edit the order of pages without plugins in your WordPress dashboard is simply clicking the “Quick edit” button and then editing the “Order” field. Add the order number and press “Update”. Now the page will be set as the 1st, 2nd, or whatever you placed its order to be.

Note – You can’t drag and drop to reorder pages without this plugin, though we can all hope it will become a core feature someday.
Reordering pages in the page editor
If you wish to reorder pages in WordPress you first need to go to “Pages > All Pages” and “Edit” the page you wish to order. In the page settings “Page Attribute” you can select the order of the page you are editing. Select the order and click “Publish” or “Update” depending on if you are creating a new or updating an old page to save your changes, and you are done.

Reordering pages by modifying publication dates
One way to edit the order of pages is to edit their publication dates, though this is not recommended in most cases for the simple reason it’s not needed. To edit the date when the page is published simply edit it through quick edit or go to the page editor and edit the date there.
Note – The closer the date is to the current time, the higher it will be placed in the page order.

Editing the page order is quick and easy though requires a plugin to be able to be sorted by simply dragging and dropping. Thankfully there are other ways to edit the order to keep your pages more organized.
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